Monday 12 June 2017



 August 20, 2016  0


Mheshimiwa Riziki Shahari Mngwali alizaliwa tarehe 6 Mei 1960 kisiwani Mafia. Inataka uwe karibu yake kwa muda mrefu ndiyo uelewe uwezo aliojaaliwa na Mola wake. Ukimsikia akizungumza Kiswahili na ukiona haiba yake haitakujia hata kama huyu mwanamama aliye mbele yako ana ulimi wa kuzungumza lugha ya Kiingereza kwa hali ambayo si ya kawaida. Achilia mbali kuwa kichwani kwake amehifadhi shahada tatu moja kutoka Chuo Kikuu Cha Dar es Salaam na mbili kutoka Marekani, itakushangaza pia utakapomsikia anazungumza Kifaransa. Kwa kawaida madebe yaliyojaa huwa hayapigi kelele. 

Mh. Riziki Shahari Mngwali kabla ya kuingia Bungeni mwaka 2016 alikuwa Mhadhiri katika Mahusiano ya Kimataifa Chuo Cha Diplomasia na amepata kuwa Mkuu wa Idara kadhaa na pia Kaimu Mkuu wa chuo hicho. Mh. Riziki ni bingwa katika tasnia ya upatanishi wa migogoro katika ngazi ya kimataifa na amehudhuria mikutano mingi nje ya nchi akiwa kama mtaalamu kutoka Tanzania ukitoa ile ambayo imefanyika nchini.

Mh. Riziki Shahari Mngwali amekuwa mwanachama wa CUF toka chama kilipoanzishwa na hakutazama nyuma. Ndiyo kusema amekuwa ndani ya chama kwa miongo miwili. Mh. Riziki amepanda na kushuka na yote yaliyosibu CUF akilia kwenye majonzi na akicheka kwenye furaha. CUF imefaidika sana na elimu, uzoefu na ujuzi wake katika taaluma zote alizosomea kiasi alikuwa mjumbe wa Tume ya Mabadiliko ya Katiba akiwakilisha CUF. Halikadhalika ni mjumbe wa CUF katika Kamati ya Wataalamu wa UKAWA (UKAWA UTT). Mh. Rizika Shahari Mngwali ni Mwenyekiti wa Wabunge wa CUF kwenye Bunge la Jamhuri ya Muungano na pia ni Mkurugenzi wa Uchaguzi na Kaimu Mtendaji JUKE-CUF.

Mh. Riziki Shahari Mngwali ametembea nchi nyingi duniani pamoja na Marekani, Iran, Ufaransa, Belize, Uingereza, Zambia, Afrika Kusini, Msumbiji, Ethiopia, Sweden, Kenya, Uganda, Saudi Arabia, Estonia, Latvia na Lithuania.

Mh. Riziki Shahari Mngwali akiapa Bungeni

Mh. Riziki Shahari Mngwali akichangia masuala ya afya Bungeni

Mh. Riziki Shahari Mngwali akichangia kuhusu masheikh wa Zanzibar waliowekwa rumande Bara

Mh. Riziki Shahari akiwa Mkuu wa Chuo Cha Diplomasia na Mahusiano ya Kimataifa akiwa na aliyekuwa Waziri wa Mambo ya Nchi za Nje na Uhusiano
wa Kimataifa Benard Membe

Bi Riziki Shahari Mngwali akiwa na Bi. Ellie Spiegel Director of Programs International House siku alipotunukiwa shahada

Bi. Riziki akifanya mahojiano maalum na Mh. Ali Mzee aliyekuwa Mwenyekiti wa Baraza la Wawakilishi kwa ajili ya mada aliyowasilisha Umoja wa Nchi za Afrika (AU) Addis Ababa 2010
Bi. Riziki akiwa katika shughuli za chama

University of Dar-es-Salaam, Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania
College of Arts and Social Sciences (CASS) / College of Social Sciences (CoSS)
PhD Student in Political Science (International Relations) October 2010-July 2012
PhD Candidate in Political Science (International Relations) March 2015-Present

University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN, USA
The Joan B. Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies
Master of Arts in Peace Studies, August 2003

Columbia University, New York, NY, USA
School of International and Public Affairs
Master of International Affairs, May 1989

University of Dar-es Salaam, Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Bachelor of Arts with Honours in International Relations, August 1985


Public Diplomacy, (On-line Course), February – April 2009
Diplo Foundation, Malta

Integration of ICT in Teaching and Learning, February 2006
Centre for Continuing Education, Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania

Teaching Methodology, November 2005
Centre for Foreign Relations, Dar-es-Salaam (Conducted by the Centre for Continuing Education, University of Dar-es-Salaam)

Gender Mainstreaming, November 2004
MS-Training Centre for Development Co-operation, Arusha, Tanzania

Field work on communal conflicts: peasants vs. pastoralists, August 2003 – July 2004
Ulanga District, Morogoro Region, Tanzania

Conflict Resolution and Mediation Skills, April 1996
Centre for Foreign Relations / USIS, Dar-es Salaam, Tanzania

Basic Mediation Skills, September 1994
University of Western Cape, Cape Town, South Africa

Advanced International Programme on Conflict Resolution, April - June 1992
Uppsala University, Department of Peace and Conflict Research, Uppsala, Sweden

Field work on project design and evaluation, January 1989
CARE – Belize, Belize, Central America

United Nations Geneva Graduate Programme, July 1988
United Nations, Geneva, Switzerland

Intensive French Programme, April – June 1984
University of Bujumbura, Bujumbura, Burundi

Constitutional Review Commission, Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania
Member (Commissioner), April 2012 – March 2014
·        One of the Thirty Members Presidential Commission.  With other Commissioners co-ordinated, collected and analysed public opinions, and submitted Draft Constitution to the President and the Constituent Assembly.

Centre for Foreign Relations, Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania
Acting Director of the Centre, December 2009 – December 2010
·        Chief Executive Officer and an overall in-charge of the Centre.  Supervised both the Academic and Administration directorates comprising of teaching, research and consultancy, and planning (human resources and finance) activities respectively.
Acting Director of Studies and Programmes, May 2007 – December 2009
·        Co-ordinate all academic activities at the Centre. Supervise teaching and research activities of 4 Academic Departments.  Assist and advise Director of the Centre in all matters related to academic activities including teaching, examinations and other quality control instruments.
Lecturer, Department of International Relations and Diplomacy, June 2005 – Present
·        Teach and conduct seminars on Contemporary Issues on Sub-Saharan Africa, International Relations, and International Conflict Resolution.  Teach some selected modules on some courses offered by other academic departments
Chairperson, Academic Review Committee, July 2004 – December 2006
·        Lead a team of five academic staff in reviewing CFR academic programmes and related instruments for full accreditation to Higher Education Accreditation Council (HEAC).
Head of Department and Lecturer, Dept of International Relations and Diplomacy 2004- June 05
 Department of Area Studies and Politics 1989 – July 2004
·  Taught Area Studies on the Middle East and North Africa, as well as International Relations and Conflict Resolution
·        Coordinated teaching and managed department

Tutorial Assistant, June 1986 – January 1987
·        Prepared and facilitated discussion sessions for Theories of International Relations
·        Taught elementary and intermediate French

Tanzania Conflict Resolution Centre (NGO), Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania
Secretary General (unpaid), 1997 – 1999
·        Managed administrative duties and kept financial records of the Organisation
·        Prepared and organized seminars and workshops on conflict resolution

United Nations, New York, USA
Intern, Department of Technical Cooperation for Developing Countries, June – September 1988
·        Assisted in administrative duties servicing a variety of development projects in the francophone African countries
Masjid Qubah and Islamic Centre, Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania
Secondary School Teacher and Matron, August 1985 – June 1986
·        Taught Kiswahili, French, English and Civic Education
·        Managed responsibilities for the safety, discipline and well being of 150 female students

President’s Office, Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania
Manpower Management Assistant, Commission for Enforcement of the Leadership Code, October 1981 – June 1982
·        Assisted the Chief Manpower Management Officer in administrative duties related to personnel
·        Prepared and implemented annual manpower development plan
·        Acted as Secretary to the Commissioners’ Meetings


 “Institutionalisation of Community Mediation Services in Tanzania”, in Southern African Peace and Security Studies, Vol.1 No.1, 2012: Southern African Centre for Collaboration on Peace and Security online at

“Theoretical Aspects on Conflict Resolution” in Appraising Conflict in Tanzania: Education, Corruption and Crime. Dar-es-Salaam: Tanzania Publishing House, 1998

“No Chance for Peace: The Gulf Crisis” in Experiences from Conflict Resolution in the Third World, Edited by Lindgren, G. et al. Uppsala University: Department of Peace and Conflict Research, 1992

Research Assistant, Research on Lower Voter Registration for the 2010 General Elections (Zanzibar) under theUniversity of Dar-es-Salaam (REDET) September 2011

·        Worked, on specific assignments, with a number of locally based Non-governmental Organisations (NGOs) including Action for Relief and Development Assistance (AFREDA), Tanzania Ecumenical Dialogue Group (TEDG), World Conference on Religions for Peace (WCRP-TZ), and World Islamic Propagation and Humanitarian Services (WIPAHS) as resource person on gender, conflict resolution and peace building, 1996 – Present
  • Attended a number of conferences, seminars and workshops both within and outside the country as paper presenter, participant orgainizer.

Bibi Riziki Shahari Mngwali ni Mtanzania aliyezaliwa tarehe 6 Mei, 1960 katika wilaya ya Mafia, mkoa wa Pwani nchini Tanzania. Bibi Riziki ameolewa na amejaaliwa watoto wanne.

Mh. Mngwali ni mwanamama mwanataaluma aliyebobea katika tasnia za uongozi na mahusiano ya kimataifa. Ana shahada ya kwanza katika mahusiano ya kimataifa toka Chuo Kikuu cha Dar es Salaam; shahada ya uzamili katika masuala ya kimataifa toka Chuo Kikuu cha Columbia, New York, Marekani; na shahada nyingine ya uzamili katika stadi za Amani na usuluhishi wa migogoro toka Chuo Kikuu cha Notre Dame, Indiana, Marekani. Kwa sasa Bibi Riziki anaendelea na msomo ya shahada ya uzamivu ya sayansi ya siasa katika Chuo Kikuu cha Dar es Salaam.

Bibi Riziki amepata mafunzo maalum katika masuala ya jinsia, diplomasia na majadiliano, uchumi, utawala na uongozi hapa nchini nan chi za nje. Amefanya kazi katika nyadhifa mbalimbali kitaifa na kimataifa. Amekuwa mjumbe wa Tume ya Mabadiliko ya Katiba nchini mnamo Aprili 2012 hadi Machi 2014. Amekuwa Kaimu Mkuu wa Chuo cha Diplomasia - Dar es Salaam mnamo Desemba 2009 hadi Desemba 2010. Amekuwa Kaimu Mkurugenzi wa Mafunzo wa Chuo cha Diplomasia mnamo Mei 2007 hadi Desemba 2009.

Aidha kwa zaidi ya miaka 25, Bibi Riziki amekuwa Mhadhiri na Mkuu wa idara mbalimbali katika Chuo cha Diplomasia - Dar es Salaam. Katika nyakati mbalimbali Bibi Riziki amefanya kazi za kitafiti, kitaalamu na ushauri elekezi katika ofisi mbalimbali za serikali, mashirika binafsi na asasi za kiraia ndani na nje ya nchi. Bibi Riziki ameandika machapisho kadhaa ya kitaaluma katika fani za mahusiano ya kimataifa, upatanishi na usuluhishi wa migogoro, uchaguzi na upigaji kura. Pia amehudhuria kwa kushiriki na kuendesha mikutano, warsha na makongamano mbalimbali ya kitaaluma ndani na nje ya nchi.

Bibi Riziki Shahari Mngwali amekuwa mpenzi na mwanachama hai na muadilifu wa Chama cha Wananchi CUF kwa zaidi ya miaka 20 sasa. Ameshiriki katika kazi nyingi za kisiasa na kitaalamu katika chama. Amekiwakilisha chama katika Tume ya Mabadiliko ya Katiba nchini mnamo Aprili 2012 hadi Machi 2014. Bibi Riziki ni mjumbe wa CUF katika Kamati ya Wataalamu wa UKAWA (UKAWA UTT).

Mwandishi akiwa katika Viwanja Vya Columbia University New York 

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