By Mag3 
gombesugu, nimepokea "notification" kwamba nimetajwa humu ndio maana nimeingia humu; hata hivyo nasikitika kwani kwa sasa wengine wetu tumetingwa na mjadala muhimu unaogusa maslahi ta taifa letu kuliko hizi porojo za barghashia na msalaba...hizo tunawaachia vijana wa mitaani. Siku huyo Mohamed Said atakapoanzisha mada yenye tija isiyo na harufu ya Udini, nishtue, lakini hizi za uchonganishi, chuki na fitna, big NO. Please, count me out for in the long run people might fail to notice the difference. Nakutakia siku njema.
Kwa kuwa umenitaja na kunihusisha na ''vijana wa mitaani,'' nawajibika kukujibu.
Angalia hapa chini kama hizo ni sifa za ''mitaani:''
1. The Life and Times of Abdulwahid Sykes 1924 –1968 The Untold Story of the Muslim Struggle against British Colonialism in Tanganyika, Minerva Press London, 1998 translated into Kiswahili as Maisha na Nyakati za Abdulwahid Sykes 1924-1968 Historia Iliyofichwa Kuhusu Harakati za Waislam Dhidi ya Ukoloni wa Waingereza, Phoenix Publishers, Nairobi, 2002.
2. In Praise of Ancestors (1987) Africa Events (London)
3. Abdulwahid Sykes: Founder of Political Movement (1988) Africa Events (London)
4. Islam and Politics in Tanzania (1989) Al Haq International (Karachi)
5. The Plight of Tanzanian Muslim (1993) Change (Dar es Salaam)
6. Tanzania - The "Secular" Unsecular State (1995) Change (Dar es Salaam)
7. The Question of Muslim Stagnation in Education in Tanzania - A Muslim Riddle (Paper presented at the Conference of the Global World of the Swahili Intercultural Dialogue on the Indian Ocean Zanzibar, February 20 - 23, 2003)
8. Islamic Education and Intellectualism in Eastern Africa ‘Themes from the Pulpit in Tanganyika (Tanzania Mainland) 1800 – 2000’ (Paper presented at International Symposium on Islamic Civilisation in Eastern Africa Kampala, Uganda organised by the Islamic Conference Research Centre for Islamic History, Art and Culture (IRCICA), Istanbul and the Islamic University in Uganda, MbaleDecember 15th – 17th 2003)
9. Sheikh Hassan bin Ameir - The Moving Spirit of Muslim Emancipation in Tanganyika (1950 – 1968) (Paper presented at Youth Camp Organised by Zanzibar University, World Assembly of Muslim Youth (WAMY) and Tanzania Muslim Students Association (TAMSA) 27th February – 4th March 2004)
10. Islamic Movement and the Christian Lobby in Tanzania - the Experience of the late Prof. Kighoma Ali Malima (1938 – 1995) (Paper Presented to Tanzania Muslim Students Association (TAMSA) Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) Morogoro 11th April 2004)
Terrorism in East Africa the Tanzanian Experience (Paper Presented at the Conference on Islam, Terrorism and African Development University of Ibadan, Nigeria 8th - 10th February 2006)
12. The Torch on Kilimanjaro, Oxford University Press 2006, Nairobi (Children’s book)
13. Contributing author for an African anthology: The Mermaid of Msambweni and Other Stories, Oxford University Press 2007 Nairobi
14. Uchaguzi wa Busara, Abantu Publications 2008, Dar es Salaam
15. Al Marhum Sheikh Kassim bin Juma bin Khamis (1940 – 1994) and the Pork Riots of 1993. (Paper Presented at the Regional Conference on Islam in Eastern Africa: Islam Encounter with the Challenges of the 21st Century (1st - 3rd August 2006), Kenyatta University Nairobi
16. Muslim Bible Scholars of Tanzania – The Legacy of Sheikh Ahmed Deedat (1918 – 2005) Paper Presented at the International Symposium on Islamic Civilisation in Southern Africa Organised by The Organisation of Islamic Conference Research Centre for Islamic History, Art and Culture (IRCICA) The National AWQAF Foundation of South Africa (AWQAF SA 1 – 3 September 2006) University of Johannesburg. The paper was also presented at Islamic Propagation Centre International Durban
17. Visiting Scholar University of Iowa, Iowa City and Northwestern University, Chicago USA and Zentrum Moderner Orient (ZMO), Berlin 2011
18. Tanzania: A Nation without Heroes Seminar Organised by
IFRA French Institute for Research in Africa and BIEA British Institute in East Africa 23rd and 24th September at IFRA Nairobi
19. Mjumbe wa Baraza la Katiba la Wilaya ya Kinondoni, Dar es Salaam
Zambia, Ethiopia, Swaziland, Zimbabwe, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, United Arab Emirates, Oman, Yemen, Uganda, Netherlands, Switzerland, France and Iran.
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