Imewekwa picha ya Mkurugenzi wa Rasilimali Watu wa NSSF Bi. Chiku Matesa na mwekaji ameandika maneno haya:
''...hahaaa huyu mama ndio afisa rasilimali pale NSSF ambaye alisimamishwa juzi kwa uchunguzi anaitwa Chiku, anatakiwa ahojiwe kisha afungwe ni kwa nini aliajiri vihiyo wengi hivyo??
Mwandishi katoa hukumu hata kesi bado kusikilizwa.
Mimi nikaja na majibu haya:
Huko kuonewa kwa ajili ya dini si tatizo geni Tanzania wala hakuna Muislam atakaeshangazwa na hili.
Hamza Njozi aliandika haya katika kitabu chake, ''Mwembechai Killings..:''
''This book is about one old skeleton in our national cabinet; the burden of religious discrimination which we have always carried in our hearts but which we have carefully managed to conceal to the rest of the world. President Reagan of the United States once boasted about the global reach of his country by saying: You can run but you cannot hide. But as far as our religious skeleton is concerned, we have managed to fool even the arrogantly boastful America. All the official reports published by the US Department of State from 1994 to 1999 have failed to detect religious discrimination in Tanzania. The focus of this book is on the discrimination which Muslims suffer in their country. This does not mean that no one has suffered in Tanzania except the Muslims. To be sure, in their numerous writings, Issa G. Shivji and Chris Peter Maina have unearthed several sickening skeletons as far as our general record in respecting human rights is concerned. But it is the suffering of Muslims in Tanzania which has rarely been acknowledged even in our own country. Who can imagine, for example, that President Mkapa’s speech quoted above was delivered nine months after his government had ordered policemen to shoot and kill Muslims at Mwembechai? This book is offered as a modest attempt to understand the intricate weave of social and political factors which threaten our national unity.''
Sasa ikiwa hivyo ndivyo na hili nalo liangaliwe:
''In public Mwalimu Nyerere was a fierce defender of secularism. It is therefore quite disturbing to learn that in private he championed the sectional interests of his own church. In 1970 Nyerere invited to the State House the then Secretary General of the Tanzania Episcopal Conference, Fr. Robert Rweyemamu and the Pope’s Representative to Tanzania Mgr. Giovano Cerrano. Among other things Nyerere told his guests that he was doing every thing in his power to strengthen Catholicism in the country. He also requested them to go and inform the Bishops that he had established a Department of Political Education in TANU (the ruling and only political party at that time), and that he had appointed a Christian Reverend to head that department, not because of his competence as a political analyst, but because of his strong faith as a Christian. His responsibility was to guide and control the political direction of the party. He also informed them that in the Party’s National Executive Committee (NEC) two members were Reverends. He said he believed that was the best way of ensuring that the party got good people(van Bergen, 1981:333-336).''
(Njozi 2002)
Waislam hatuna hofu na mambo haya ya udini kwa kuwa hatujapatapo
kumdhulumu au kumbagua mtu kwa ajili ya dini yake.
Nyerere angelikuwa hai yeye angekuwa shahidi yetu.
Kapokelewa na Waislam kalala nyumba zao na kala nao chakula sahani
moja hadi akapata ukubwa wa nchi.
Hakuna aliyembagua kwa Ukatokili wake.
Rafiki zake wapenzi na vijana rika lake walikuwa Abdulwahid na Ally
Sykes na Dossa Aziz.
Kushoto; Dossa Aziz, Julius Nyerere Abdul Sykes na Lawi Sijaona
Wazee wake walikuwa Mshume Kiyate, Sheikh Suleiman Takadir na
Jumbe Tambaza kuwataja wachache.
Mshume Kiyate na Julius Nyerere 1964 |
Jumbe Tambaza |
Kulia: Bi. Tatu biti Mzee, wa tatu Julius Nyerere wa tano Bi.Titi Mohamed
wakimsindikiza Nyerere uwanja wa Ndege Dar es Salaam safari ya UNO 1955
Dada zake walikuwa Bi. Hawa biti Maftah, Tatu biti Mzee na Bi. Titi
Mohamed kwa kuwataja wachache.
Hii ndiyo historia ya Waislam.
Sisi hatuna hofu na uchunguzi wa wanaoleta udini kwani sisi ndiyo waathirika
Kuna kisa cha kuchekesha kidogo.
Kamati moja ya bunge ilikwenda kwenye taasisi moja ya serikali
kuchunguza tuhumu za udini za mkuregenzi Muislam.
Yule mkurugenzi Muislam akawauliza, ''Nyie mmekuja kunihoji mie
kwa tuhuma za udini sasa mbona nyie wote Wakristo watupu kwani
huko Bungeni hakuna Waislam?''
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Chinchilla... Vipi na huyu anaetoa fedha za shirika la umma kujenga kanisa. Mimi nahifadhi jina lake na taasisi yake. Huyu hastahili na yeye kuhojiwa vipi anatoa mamilioni ya shirika lake kulipa kanisa lake? Naiomba Majlis ilitazame na hili. Huu ndiyo uadilifu |
Ikiwa utahitaji mimi nikupe ushahidi wa kimahakama sitoweza labda hili
jambo lende mahakamani.
Ninaloweza kuonyesha hapa ni ushahidi wa yanayoandikwa na wahusika
Ingia hapa:
Nataka nikuunge mkono kwa kukuwekea nukuu kutoka kwa Njozi (2002):
''The church was particularly worried by the unity and organisational capacity of Muslims under the East African Muslim Welfare Society (1992:35-37). Because the church said the EAMWS was dangerous in that it would weaken Christianity, it had to be so. Mwalimu Nyerere used his political powers to ban this legitimate organisation, to confiscate all its properties and to impose on the Muslims a puppet organisation, BAKWATA. As its name suggests, the EAMWS was a welfare organisation whose primary objective was to provide education and health services. The intellectual brilliance of Mwalimu Nyerere is well-known, and so is his sense of social justice. But Nyerere was also a sincere Roman Catholic. He could not pick and choose what to follow and what to reject in his faith.''
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