Wengi mmekuwa mkitaka niwaletee CV ya mtu huyu mwenye mapenzi ya dhati na nchi. Asubuhi ya leo ninaleta kwenye CV yenye kurasa 14 iliyojaa weledi
A: Personal information
Full name : Mussa Juma ASSAD
Born : 6 October 1961
Marital status : Married; four children
Nationality : Tanzania
Languages : Fluent in English and Swahili and basic knowledge of Arabic
B: Current office address Permanent address
National Audit Office P.O.Box 9080 35046, Dar es Salaam
C: Education and academic qualifications
Doctor of Philosophy in Accounting, University of Southampton, December 2001
Master of Arts in Financial Control, Dublin City University, October 1991
Professional Diploma in Accounting, Dublin City University, June 1990
Bachelor of Commerce, University of Dar Es Salaam, June 1988
rofessional qualifications
Certified Public Accountant (CPA)[T], National Board of Accountants and Auditors, January, 1993.
National Accountancy Diploma, National Board of Accountants and Auditors, 1988.
E:Current Post Held
Controller and Auditor General of Tanzania
Posts held at the University of Dar Es Salaam
Academic posts:
- Associate Professor : Department of Accounting, University of Dar es Salaam Business School, from 1st July 2013.
- Teaching two introductory and forensic accounting courses in the undergraduate Bachelor of Commerce degree programme,
- Teaching two courses [Financial and Managerial Accounting as well as Management Control Systems] in the Masters of Business Administration programme,
- Supervision of MBA dissertations, and
- Supervision of PhD students.
Senior Lecturer Department of Accounting, University of Dar es Salaam Business School [formerly the Faculty of Commerce and Management], July 2002 – 30th June 2013.
- Teaching two introductory and forensic accounting courses in the undergraduate Bachelor of Commerce degree programme,
- Teaching two courses [Financial and Managerial Accounting as well as Management Control Systems] in the Masters of Business Administration programme,
- Supervision of MBA dissertations, and
- Supervision of PhD students.
Lecturer Department of Accounting, Faculty of Commerce and Management, July 1993 – June 2002.
Assistant Lecturer Department of Accounting, Faculty of Commerce and Management, July 1990 - June 1993.
Tutorial Assistant Faculty of Commerce and Management, June 1988 to June 1990.
Administrative posts:
Head of Department Department of Accounting, Faculty of Commerce and Management, July 2003 – 2009.
- Overall management of academic and administrative functions of the Department. Oversight and supervisory responsibilities for 23 undergraduate and postgraduate degree courses delivered by 21 members of academic staff.
Manager Management Development and Consultancy Bureau
Faculty of Commerce and Management, January 2003 – December 2003.
- Overall management of the Bureau which is the Faculty’s consultancy wing. Coordination of proposal development and supervision of execution of consulting assignments.
Manager Bachelor of Business Administration Programme, Faculty of Commerce and Management, May 2002 – July 2003.
- Day to day management of the evening undergraduate degree programme; including product promotion, re-launching, admission and general supervision of delivery of courses.
F: Previous working experience
Virtual University Enterprises' Test Administrator: Teacher Training Agency's QTS Skills Tests, University of Southampton Test Centre, United Kingdom, March 2001 to November 2001.
- Managing a Qualified Teacher Status [QTS] Skills Test facility and supervising online candidate registration, examination bookings, examinations delivery, and distribution of examination results.
Part time Tutor: Accounting and Finance Division, School of Management, University of Southampton, September 1999 to June 2001.
- Teaching Management and Financial Accounting to undergraduate students and guiding tutorial sessions.
G: Awards
Commonwealth Academic Staff Scholarship [tenable in the UK], 1998-2001: Awarded to pursue a PhD degree programme at the University of Southampton.
Coopers and Lybrand Auditing Prize, 1989, Awarded for best performance in Certified Public Accountant (CPA)(I) Auditing Examination paper.
National Board of Accountants and Auditors' Order of Merit, 1989, Awarded for best performance in CPA(I) role of passing candidates.
Prof. D. Kleespie's Prize, 1988, Awarded to the best student in the third year University examinations in the Faculty of Commerce Accounting Stream, Class size: 124.
H:Extra curricular activities
1) Chairman, Governing Board – National Board of Accountants and Auditors, from 29th August 2007, reappointed 1st April, 2011.
2) President and Board Member – Pan African Federation of Accountants, from 5th May 2012.
3) Chairman, Council – Muslim University of Morogoro, from 1st April 2008.
4) Member, Board of Trustees – The National Social Security Fund, from 1st September 2006. Re-appointed 22 February 2010 until 21st February 2013. Chaired the Board’s Audit Committee.
5)Chairman, Board of Directors – The National Bank of Commerce Limited, from 14th November 2008. Member, Board of Directors – from 30th August 2006.
6)Member, Board of Directors – Higher Education Students Loans Board of Tanzania, 1st April 2011.
7)Member, Board of Directors – First Community Bank, Nairobi, Kenya, 1st October 2011.
8)Member, Board of Directors – Tanzania Fertilizer Company Limited, 23rd May 2011.
9)Member, Planning and Finance Committee of the University of Dar es Salaam Council, 2003 – June 2007. Re-appointed 2010
10)Member, Board of Directors – Dunduliza Limited, a not-for-profit affiliation of SACCOs across Tanzania, 2004 - to date.
11)Member, Board of Directors – Tanzania Telecommunications Company Limited, 7th January 2008 up to 1st April 2011. Chaired the Board’s Audit Committee.
12)Member, Board of Directors – University Computing Centre, University of Dar es Salaam, 2005 - 2009.
13)Member, Board of Directors – Dar es Salaam University Press, University of Dar es Salaam, 2005 - 2009.
14) External Examiner – Strathmore University, Nairobi, Kenya, since 2005/06 – todate.
15) Associate Member, Institute of Directors of Tanzania, from May 2013.
A] Books:
1.1) Sr. I.V. Bautista and M.J. Assad, Introductory Financial Accounting, New Revised Edition incorporating International Financial Reporting Standards 2010, Dar-Es-Salaam University Press, Dar-Es-Salaam, 2012, in press.
1.2) Francis AST Matambalya and Mussa J. Assad [Eds.], Enhancing Africa’s Competitiveness Through Small and Medium Scale Enterprises, Mkuki na Nyota Publishers, Dar-Es-Salaam, 2002.
1.3) Sr. I.V. Bautista and M.J. Assad, Introductory Financial Accounting, Dar-Es-Salaam University Press, Dar-Es-Salaam, 1994.
B] Journal articles:
2.1) M. J Assad, (2010) Local Government Infrastructure Maintenance: The Case of Dar es Salaam Local Authorities, The African Journal of Finance and Management, Vol. 19, No. 1.
2.2) M. J Assad, (2010) Public Expenditure Tracking Survey in Secondary Education in Tanzania, The African Journal of Finance and Management Vol. 19, No. 2.
2.3) MJ Assad and AR Goddard (2010), Stakeholder Salience and Accounting Practices in Tanzanian NGOs, International Journal of Public Sector Management, Volume: 23, Issue: 3.
2.4) MJ Assad (2008), A Survey of Foreign Currency Risk Awareness and Management Practices in Tanzania, Business Management Review, Vol. 16, No. 1.
2.5) MJ Assad and Z. Nanyaro (2007) Interest Rate Spreads: Empirical Evidence from Tanzanian Banks, African Journal of Finance Management, Vol. 15, No. 2.
2.6) MJ Assad and A. Selemani (2006) Pension Funds Performance in Tanzania: Insights from a Comparison of the National Social Securities Fund and Parastatal Pensions Fund, Business Management Review, Vol. 10, No. 2.
2.7) MJ Assad and Andrew R. Goddard (2006) Accounting and Navigating Legitimacy in Tanzanian NGOs, Accounting, Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal, Vol. 19, No. 3.
2.8) MJ Assad (2000) Accounting and Financial Reporting in Non-Governmental Organisations: A Study of Current Practices in Tanzania, Business Management Review, Vol. 7, No. 1.
2.9) MJ Assad (1998) Organisational Research Paradigms and Implications for Accounting Research, Business Management Review, Vol. 5, No. 2.
2.10) MJ Assad and DR Olomi (1997) Success Related Attributes in Tertiary Training Institutions, Papers in Education and Development, Vol. 18.
2.11) MJ Assad (1995) Monopolistic Regulation of Accountancy in Tanzania: A Defence Argument, The Accountant, Vol. 8, No. 1.
2.12) MJ Assad (1995) Gender in Accountancy: Exploratory Research Issues, The African Journal of Finance and Management [formerly IFM Journal of Finance and Management], Vol. 3, No. 2.
2.13) MJ Assad (1994) Foreign Currency Flow Statement: A Warranted Inclusion in Corporate Annual Reports, The African Journal of Finance and Management [formerly IFM Journal of Finance and Management], Vol. 3, No. 1.
2.14) MJ Assad (1993) Auditors' Liability: An Overview and the Tanzanian Context, The Accountant, Vol. 6, No. 2.
C] Case Studies:
3.1) M. J Assad, (2011) Fraud at the Central Bank of Tanzania (A), Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies, Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
3.2) M. J Assad, (2011) Fraud at the Central Bank of Tanzania (A) – A Teaching Note, Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies, Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
3.3) MJ Assad (2007) Kwanza University Car Parks Expansion (A), Faculty of Commerce and Management, European Case Clearing House. [
www.ecch.com/uploads/ecchccu08Q2.pdf] also carried by McGraw Hill Primis Online [
3.4) MJ Assad (2007) Kwanza University Car Parks Expansion (A): A Teaching Note, Faculty of Commerce and Management, European Case Clearing House.
J:Conference and seminar proceedings
4.1) MJ Assad and Z. Nanyaro (2005) Interest Rate Spreads: Empirical Evidence from Tanzanian Banks, presented at the 4th Conference on Financial Markets, Good Governance and Economic Development: Lessons from Emerging and Developed Markets, Movenpick Hotel, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, 7th December 2005.
4.2) MJ Assad and L. Igogo (2005) Quality of SME - Bank Relationships: Access to and Cost of Bank Credit – The Case of Tanzania, The International Academy of African Business and Development (IAABD) Conference, The Golden Tulip Hotel, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, 6th to 9th April 2005.
4.3) Masoud, MS, Assad, MJ, Per Nillson and Jaensson, J (2005) Managers Versus Stakeholders in Privitised and State-owned Firms in Tanzania, Proceedings of the International Academy of African Business and Development (IAABD) Conference, The Golden Tulip Hotel, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, 6th to 9th April 2005.
4.4) MJ Assad and A. Selemani (2004) Pension Funds Performance in Tanzania: Insights from a Comparison of the National Social Securities Fund and Parastatal Pensions Fund, The 3rd International Conference on Financial Markets, Good Governance and Economic Development: Lessons from Emerging and Developed Markets, Royal Palm Hotel, Dar es Salaam, 17 November 2004.
4.5) Forensic Accounting Competencies: A Critical and Emergent Challenge to the Internal Auditor in Tanzania, NBAA Workshop on the Internal Audit Function: Its Relevance and Roles, Zanzibar Resort Beach Hotel, Zanzibar, 18 September 2004.
4.6) MJ Assad and A. Goddard (2004) Accounting and Navigating Legitimacy in NGOs, APIRA Conference, July, Singapore. Also presented at the American Accounting Association Conference, August 2000, San Francisco, California.
4.7) Environmental Accounting within Management Information Systems, NBAA Seminar on Environmental Accounting and Finance, Zanzibar Resort Beach Hotel, Zanzibar, 22 November 2003.
4.8) Understanding accounting in non-governmental organisations – A Grounded Theory evaluation, British Accounting Association Annual Conference, Exeter, UK; 11-13 April 2000.
4.9) The Role, Challenges and Opportunities for NGOs in Economic and Social Development, Policy Seminar on Development Strategies for Tanzania in the 21st Century: The Challenges for Non - Governmental Organizations, Umbrella NGO Development and Training Project, 1998.
4.10) The State - NGO "Partnership" in Development - Challenges and Opportunities in the 21st Century, Policy Seminar on Development Strategies for Tanzania in the 21st Century: The Challenges for Non - Governmental Organizations, Umbrella NGO Development and Training Project, 1998.
4.11) Accounting for Deferred Taxation: Towards Understanding TSAG 9, The Annual Conference of Accountants, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania, 1 December 1995.
4.12) Gender and Accountancy- A Professional Accountant's View, Seminar on Gender Issues and Accountants, New Arusha Hotel, Arusha, Tanzania, 12 – 14 October 1994.
4.13) Skills for Developing Study Material and Other Training Aids, The National Board of Accountants and Auditors' Trainers' Conference, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania, 6 October 1993.
K:Research and technical reports
A] Theses and dissertations:
5.1) Accounting in Non-Governmental Organisations: Towards a Theory of Navigating Legitimacy, Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis, University of Southampton, October 2001.
5.2) Development and Status of Accounting in Developing Countries and Tanzania’s Experience, Unpublished Masters Dissertation, Dublin City University, September 1991.
B] Education related technical reports:
6.1) Review Report of the proposed Syllabi for the Degree Programme of Bachelor of Business Administration offered by Tumaini University Dar es Salaam College [TUDARCO], submitted to the Higher Education Accreditation Council, March 2005.
6.2) Review Report of the Bachelor of Business Administration Programme of the Zanzibar University, submitted to the Higher Education Accreditation Council, March 2005.
6.3) Evaluation of Bachelor of Science in Computing [University of Greenwich] and Masters of Arts in Business [Leeds Metropolitan University] Awards, submitted to the Higher Education Accreditation Council, March 2005.
6.4) Evaluation of the Bachelor of Business Administration Award Conferred by University of Northern Washington, USA, submitted to the Higher Education Accreditation Council, February, 2005.
6.5) Evaluation of the Bachelor of Business Administration Award Conferred by Cambridge International College and Newport University, submitted to the Higher Education Accreditation Council, November 2004.
6.6) Evaluation of the Executive Masters of Business Administration Award Conferred by St. Clements University of British West Indies [Turks and Caicos Islands], submitted to the Higher Education Accreditation Council, October, 2004.
6.7) Review Report of the proposed Syllabi for Diploma and Degree Programmes in Business Administration to be offered by the proposed University of Arusha [UoA], submitted to the Higher Education Accreditation Council, July 2004.
6.8) Review Report of the Bachelor of Arts in Accounting and Finance Programme of the Moshi University College of Cooperatives and Business Studies, submitted to the Higher Education Accreditation Council, May 2004.
6.9) Review Report of the Bachelor of Arts in Cooperative Management and Accounting Programme of the proposed Moshi University College of Cooperatives and Business Studies, submitted to the Higher Education Accreditation Council, May 2004.
6.10) Review Report of Course Syllabi of the Civic Education Centre, Changanyikeni, Dar es Salaam, submitted to the Higher Education Accreditation Council, July 2003.
6.11) Review Report on Programmes of the Institute of Finance Management, Dar es Salaam, submitted to the Higher Education Accreditation Council, July, 2003.
C] Other research and technical reports:
7.1) Examination of Status of University of Dar Es Salam Journal Publications: An Evaluative Report, submitted to the Director of Research and Publications - University Of Dar Es Salaam, June, 2008. Jointly with 4 other members.
7.2) Procurement of Works, Goods and Services at the University of Dar Es Salaam – A Review Report, submitted to the Deputy Vice Chancellor, Planning, Finance and Administration - University Of Dar Es Salaam, May, 2008.
7.3) Review of University of Dar es Salaam Financial Regulations, submitted to the Deputy Vice Chancellor, Planning, Finance and Administration - University Of Dar Es Salaam, December, 2007.
7.4) Revised Feasibility Study of the University Car Park Project and Its Management, submitted to the Deputy Vice Chancellor, Planning, Finance and Administration - University Of Dar Es Salaam, July, 2007.
7.5) Implementation of the Human Resources Information System [HURIS] for the University of Dar es Salaam, Chaired for a year the Steering Committee that studied, developed RFPs, short listed solution providers and steered the implementation of the HURIS Project of the University of Dar Es Salaam, May 2004.
7.6) Proposed Expansion of Motor Vehicle Parking Facilities through Public Private Partnerships: A Study of Attitudes and Feelings of Staff and Student Stakeholders, submitted to the Chief Administrative Officer - University of Dar Es Salaam, April 2004.
7.7) Report on Assessment of the Best Mode of Investment on the University of Dar es Salaam Lands, with E.S. Kaijage, F.D.M. Luoga and M.D. Baisi, submitted to the Chief Administrative Officer - University of Dar Es Salaam, December 2003. This Assessment included Sam Nujoma Road Corridor Investment Project and Silver Sands Hotel Property Investment Project.
7.8) Study on Implications of the Public Procurement Act No.3 of 2001 on University Operations, submitted to the Chief Administrative Officer - University of Dar Es Salaam, August 2002.
7.9) Implications of Delayed Disbursement of Donor Funds through the Treasury, submitted to the Director of Planning and Development - University of Dar Es Salaam, August 2002.
7.10) Review of University of Dar es Salaam Financial Regulations, submitted to the Chief Administrative Officer - University of Dar Es Salaam, March 2002.
7.11) Financial Accountability in NGOs: An Evaluation of Accounting Functions and Reporting Practices in Tanzania, 31 July 1998, submitted to and supported by a research grant from ENRECA, University of Dar Es Salaam.
7.12) Investigation Report on Financial Reports of Dar Es Salaam University Press, July - December 1995, submitted to the Bursar - University of Dar Es Salaam, May 1996.
7.13) Report of the Board of Inquiry on Stationery Stores Irregularities and Cash Loss T.Shs 1,166,700 in the Finance Department during the Financial Year 1994/95, submitted to the Chief Administrative Officer - University of Dar Es Salaam, November 1995.
7.14) Report on Operations and Financial Performance of University Consumers Cooperative Society, requested and submitted to the Chief Administrative Officer - University of Dar Es Salaam, April 1993.
C] Doctoral Students Successfully Supervised:
7.15) Muhsin S Masoud (2007) Effects of Stakeholder Attributes and Managers’ Values on Stakeholder Salience – A Study of Managers and Selected Stakeholder Groups in the State Owned and Privatised Firms in Tanzania A PhD Thesis, University of Dar es Salaam.
7.16) Goodluck Charles (2009) Competitive Advantage in Small and Medium-Scale Enterprises: A Resource-Based Analysis of Tanzanian Family and Non-Family Firms, PhD Business Administration, University of Dar es Salaam.
7.17) Francis Michael (2009) Human Resources Management Practices On Employee Job Satisfaction In Private Work Organisations: A Tanzanian Context, PhD Business Administration, University of Dar es Salaam.
7.18) Henry Challu (2010) Dimensions and Determinants of Accounting Information Systems Performance in Local Government Authorities in Tanzania, PhD Business Administration, University of Dar es Salaam.
7.19) David Wangombe (2012) High Quality Corporate Environmental Reporting: The Conceptual Anatomy, its Multi-theoretical basis, its Presence and Drivers among Large Companies in Kenya, PhD Accounting, Strathmore University, Nairobi, Kenya.
7.20) Twaha Kigongo Kaawaase (2013) Auditor Monitoring and Audit Quality: A Perspective of Board Members and Top Executives in the Financial Services Sector in Uganda, PhD Business Administration, University of Dar es Salaam.
C] Doctoral Students in Final Stage of Completion:
7.21) Helena Thomas (draft thesis submitted for final review) Nature and Influence of Trust in Securing Microfinance Services: A Study of Some Peer Credit Groups From Selected MFIs in Tanzania, PhD Business Administration, University of Dar es Salaam.
7.22) Mwamini Tuli (draft thesis submitted for final review) Auditing Practices and Organisational Efficiency in Tanzanian Local Government Authorities, PhD Business Administration, University of Dar es Salaam.
C] Doctoral Students Currently Supervised:
7.23) Latifa Mbelwa (ongoing), PhD Business Administration, University of Dar es Salaam Business School.
L: Consulting assignments [Illustrative]
8.2) Consultant Team Member: Preparation of an Application from Tanzania for the Literacy and Numeracy Education Support [LANES] submitted to the World Bank’s Global Partnership for Education [GPE] Grant amounting to US$ 94.8 million with Prof. Hamisi Dihenga. Client: The Ministry of Education/The Royal Swedish Embassy, Dar es Salaam, October, 2013.
8.1) Lead Consultant: Fish Levy Trust Fund Business Plan, Client: Lake Victoria Environmental Management Programme II, Mwanza, December, 2012.
8.2) Consultant Team Member: General Budget Support to Tanzania A Database for Analyzing Trends in Public Expenditures with Jens Claussen and Mari Martinsen, Nordic Consulting Group, Client: The Ministry of Finance/The Royal Norwegian Embassy, Dar es Salaam, December, 2012.
8.3) Consultant Team Member: Value Added of the Budget Support Dialogue to the Government of Tanzania: A Brief Survey of Government Officials with Jens Claussen and Mari Martinsen, Nordic Consulting Group, Client: The Ministry of Finance/The Royal Norwegian Embassy, Dar es Salaam, 15 September 2011.
8.4) Consultant Team Member: Situational Analysis Report: Developing a Strategy for Asset Management System for Dar-es Salaam City Municipals with 4MGlobal, Client: The World Bank/Dar es Salaam City Council, Dar es Salaam, November, 2011.
8.5) Consultant Team Member: Financing of Higher Education Through the Students Loans Scheme: Proposals for Sustaining Expansion in Higher Education, Client: The Ministry of Education and Vocational Training, February, 2010.
8.6) Joint Lead Consultant: Public Expenditure Tracking Survey for the Basic Education Sector - Tanzania, Client: The Ministry of Education and Vocational Training, February, 2010.
8.7) Sole Consultant: Preparation of Financial Accounting Procedures Manual, Client: The Open University of Tanzania, January 2009.
8.8) Sole Consultant: Preparation of Procurement Procedures Manual, Client: The Open University of Tanzania, February 2009.
8.9) Sole Consultant: Preparation of the Strategic Plan for the Tanzania Civil Aviation Authority, Client: Tanzania Civil Aviation Authority, November 2008.
8.10) Consultant Team Member: A Study on Minimum Wages for Private Sector in Tanzania, Client: Ministry of Labour, Employment and Youth Development, August 2008. Conducted by a 6-member Consulting Team under the Economic Research Bureau, University of Dar es Salaam.
8.11) Financing Expert and Consultant: Higher Education Enrollment Expansion, Quality and Relevance Improvement and Sustainable Financing, Client: Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology, July 2007.
8.12) Sole Consultant: Preparation of Financial Regulations, Client: The Open University of Tanzania, January 2007.
8.13) Consultancy Team Member: Process Review of Tanzania Revenue Authority Operations [Motor Vehicle Registration Systems Petroleum Imports, Transit & Re-exports, Facilitated Clearance of Imports]. Conducted by a 6-member Consulting Team, March - August 2006.
8.14) Consultant and External Team Member: Feasibility and Implementation of the Appropriate Market Segments for the Capital Markets in Tanzania: A Study Conducted for and by the Capital Markets and Securities Authority, September 2004 - May 2006. The Study Team was composed of 6 members.
8.15) Sole Consultant: OILCOM Kawawa Road Fuel Filling Station Business Plan 2006 - 2015: Preparation of a Business Plan for a major oil marketing company’s fuel filling and service stations, retail and recreational centres, Client: OILCOM [T] Ltd., March 2006.
8.16) Financial Management Expert and Lead Consultant: Preparation of an Operations and Financial Management Manual for the Fund for Ethics, Accountability and Transparency, Client: Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs, March 2006.
8.17) Associate Consultant: Preparation of Standardised Training Manuals for Course No. 8: Project Preparation, Investment Appraisal, Environmental Impact Assessment and Safeguarding Policy, Client: President’s Office, Regional and Local Government (PO-RALG) under contract with Price Waterhouse Coopers, November 2005.
8.18) Sole Consultant: Fish Levy Trust Fund of Tanzania Business Plan 2005 - 2009: Preparation of a Business Plan, Client: Lake Victoria Environment Management Project and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism, August 2005.
8.19) Sole Consultant: University Consultancy Bureau Business Plan 2005 - 2009: Preparation of a Business Plan, Client: University Consultancy Bureau – University of Dar es Salaam, May 2005.
8.20) Lead Consultant: Enlarging Funding Sources for the Education Fund: A Proposal for Instituting Additional Revenue Streams, Client: Tanzania Education Authority, April 2005.
8.21) Sole Consultant: Evaluation Report of Project ‘Hands-on Research Skills Training For the Institute of Finance Management [IFM] Staff’, NFP/TZA/005, Client - Faculty of Management & Organisation, University of Groningen, The Netherlands, August, 2004.
8.22) Consultant: Institute of Judicial Administration Lushoto Business Plan 2004/5 – 2009/10. Contract holder - University Consultancy Bureau, Client - Institute of Judicial Administration, Lushoto, June, 2004.
8.23) Consultant: Implementation of ICT Programmes for State University of Zanzibar, Karume Technical College and Zanzibar Institute of Financial Administration: Curriculum Review and Implementation Proposal for Existing Courses at ZIFA with ICT Components. Contract holder - University Consultancy Bureau, Client - United Nations Development Programme, March to May 2004.
8.24) Consultant: Secondary Education Development Plan [SEDP] Input, Cost and Output Model and Estimates, 2004 – 2009, Client: Ministry of Education and Culture, March 2004.
8.25) Sole Consultant: Muhimbili College of Health Sciences Financial Regulations: Preparation of Financial Regulations, Client: Muhimbili University College of Health Sciences, June 2004.
8.26) Sole Consultant: Centre for Continuing Education Business Plan: Preparation of a Business Plan, Client: Centre for Continuing Education – University of Dar es Salaam, May 2004.
8.27) Sole Consultant: Preparation of a Strategic Plan for Zanzibar Social Security Fund, Client - Zanzibar Social Security Fund, December to April 2004.
8.28) Sole Consultant: Preparation of an Investment Policy for Zanzibar Social Security Fund, Client - Zanzibar Social Security Fund, December to April 2004.
8.29) Task Force Chair: Operationalisation of Part IV [Special Provisions Relating to Donations, Gifts, Grants and Bequests] of The Tanzania Education Fund Act 2002. Client - Tanzania Education Authority, September 2003.
8.30) Costing and Financial Analyst: Analytical Work on Costs and Finance of Post primary Education and Training, Client: Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education/World Bank, May 2003.
8.31) Costing and Financial Analyst: Evaluation of First and Second Phases of the Cost sharing Scheme in Tanzania, Client: Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education, July 2002.
8.32) Trainer - Information and Communications Technology: Technical Skills Training in Operations and Maintenance of Infrastructure and Service Delivery for Urban Water and Sewerage Authorities Commercial and Finance Staff, Client: President’s Office - Ministry of Regional Administration and Local Government, Urban Sector Rehabilitation Project, May 2002.
8.33) Position Paper on the Re-capitalization of the People's Bank of Zanzibar, Client: The Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar, In cooperation with French and Hastings, September 1997.
8.34) Position Paper on Bridging Finance for the Budget of the Government of Zanzibar 1997/98, Client: The Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar, In cooperation with French and Hastings, September 1997.
8.35) Mafia Coconuts Limited: A Company Restructuring and Valuation Report, Client: Parastatal Sector Reform Commission, In cooperation with InterConsult Sweden Ltd., December 1996.
8.36) Dar Es Salaam University Press (1996) Ltd.: Business Plan and Policy, Client: University of Dar Es Salaam, November 1996.
8.37) Report on Study of Parastatal Sector Fiscal Impact and Adaptation to Macro- Economic Reforms, in a team of 6 consultants, Client: Parastatal Sector Reform Commission/British Overseas Development Aid (ODA), August 1996.
8.38) Tanzania Film Company: A Restructuring Study, Client: Parastatal Sector Reform Commission, in cooperation with InterConsult Sweden Ltd., August 1996.
8.39) Post Primary Education and Training in Tanzania: Institutional Case Studies, with Mr. D.R. Olomi, Client: Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education/World Bank, August 1995.
8.40) Tanzania Fisheries Company: A Valuation Report, Client: Parastatal Sector Reform Commission, in cooperation with Proper Consult (Tanzania) Ltd., August 1995.
I also have been providing pro-bono consulting services on business planning and short term financing proposals for an average of 5 small and medium scale enterprises annually on a routine basis. I am an Associate of the University of Dar es Salaam Entrepreneurship Centre.
M: Papers and books submitted for publication
9.1) M. J Assad, Public Assets Disposal in Tanzania: A Case Study, International Journal of Public Sector Management, resubmitted December 2011, under final review.
N:Current research activities
• Public Assets Disposal.
• Public Sector Procurement.
• Career Advancement among Women Accountants in Tanzania.
• Local Government Accounting and Finance in Tanzania.
O:Conferences, seminars and workshops attended
Resource person: The Pan African Federation of Accountants Donors’ Conference 2012, Cape Town Conference Centre, Cape Town, South Africa, 19th to 20th November, 2012.
Resource person: The Higher Education Forum 2011 for Tanzania Commission for Universities, Corridor Springs Hotel, Arusha, Tanzania, 11th to 13th May 2011.
Resource person: The Forum for Dar es Salaam City Development, Dar es Salaam, Karimjee Hall, Dar es Salaam, 3RD May 2010.
Resource person: Workshop on Public Expenditure Tracking Survey for the Basic Education Sector – Tanzania, The Waterfront Conference Centre, Dar es Salaam, November, 2009.
Resource person: Resource Allocation and Challenges of Education Reform in Tanzania, Education Sector Review 2007, Bluepearl Hotel, Dar Es Salaam, October 2008.
Resource person: The Tragedy of Good Accountants Embroiled in Big Frauds, Eastern, Central Southern Federation of Accountants Seminar, Bluepearl Hotel, Dar Es Salaam September 2008
Resource person: Financing of Higher Education in Tanzania: Challenges, Prospects and the Way Forward, 15th Annual Consultative Meeting of the University of Dar Es Salaam, August 2008
Resource person: Financing of Education in Tanzania: A Comparative Analysis for the Years 2006/7 To 2008/9, Education Sector Review 2008, Bluepearl Hotel, Dar Es Salaam, October 2007
Resource person: Reflections on the Draft Financial Reporting Bill 2007, Dar Es Salaam Conference Centre, January 2007
Resource person: Mining Stakeholders Consultative Meeting, 1st and 8th July 2006. Presented a Paper on Capital Investment and Production Costs: Possible Measures by the Government and Large Scale Mining Companies Towards Reducing Costs, Kunduchi Beach Hotel and Resort, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
Resource person: Financial Management Seminar [including Public Procurement Act 2004] for Senior Public Sector Financial Managers for Staff in the Office of the Accountant General, January 2 – 13, 2006, repeated February 6 – 18, 2006, The Peacock Hotel, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
Resource person: Management Seminar on the Public Finance Act 2001 and Public Procurement Act 2004 for Urban Water Supply and Sewerage Authorities, Directorate of Urban Water Supply Staff, Ministry of Water, January 30 – 31, 2006, repeated February 6 – 7, 2006, The University of Dar es Salaam Centre for Continuing Education, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
Resource person: ESAAG Executive Development Seminar for Senior Public Sector Financial Managers, May 16 – 27, 2005, The Beachcomber Hotel, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
Resource person: NBAA Workshop on the Internal Audit Function: Its Relevance and Roles, Zanzibar Resort Beach Hotel, Zanzibar, 18 September 2004.
Resource person: NBAA Seminar on Environmental Accounting and Finance, Zanzibar Resort Beach Hotel, Zanzibar, 22 November 2003.
Resource person: British Accounting Association (BAA) Conference, Exeter, UK; 11-13 April 2000.
Resource person: NBAA Seminar on Gender Issues and Accountants, New Arusha Hotel, Arusha, 12 – 14 October 1994.
Resource person: NBAA Workshop for Semi professional Accountants and Auditors, Arusha, 19 – 23 September 1994.
Resource person: NBAA Trainers' Conference, 6 October 1993.
Resource person: Publisher's Association of Tanzania Managers' Workshop, 23 August to 10 September 1993, Dar Es Salaam.
I have been a resource person in many other workshops and seminars in the core areas of Public Sector Procurement and Management of Public Assets on a routine basis.
rofessional experience
Associate Certified Public Accountant [ACPA(T)], Gazetted as an Authorised Accountant in 1999. Extensive consulting experience in Accounting, Finance, Institutional Evaluation, Business Planning, Valuations and Divestiture strategies.
Senior Audit Assistant, Tanzania Audit Corporation, Sept 1983 to May 1988, including a three–year study leave. Audit responsibilities mainly in parastatal organisations.
Sports: Angling, Road running, Swimming and Armchair football.
I, the undersigned, certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, these data correctly describe my qualifications, my experience and myself.
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